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Strength training in cycling

The right strength training is crucial for sustainable success in cycling.
Bildschirmfoto 2023-11-14 um 10.16.59

Cycling athletes often face the problem that they neglect regular strength training or only see it as compensation. However, in addition to an optimal diet, strength training is crucial for sustainable success in cycling.


It does make sense to do balance training alongside cycling to prevent injuries and possibly increase performance during the bike ride. However, such exercises alone are not enough, especially on steep climbs where strong muscles in the legs are crucial. Athletes who carry out targeted training for their leg muscles have clear advantages here. 


There are many different strength training methods and exercises. The most effective training depends on the athlete's upcoming goals. For example, cyclists who want to ride longer distances or conquer mountains should focus on certain exercises that will improve their overall time or help them to successfully complete the tour.


Strength training is not only important to prevent injuries, but also to directly increase cycling performance. There are various exercises that are particularly suitable for cyclists.


Essential exercises include the following:

  • Squats: This exercise strengthens the leg muscles, especially the quadriceps and gluteal muscles, which are crucial for pedaling. You should make sure that your knees do not extend beyond your toes.


  • Lunges (lunges): Lunges improve leg stability and strengthen the muscles in the thighs and glutes. It is important to form a right angle with the front leg.


  • Step-ups: This exercise helps to increase strength in the legs and tone the muscles that are used when pedaling on the bike. You can use a stable bench or an elevated platform.


  • Back extensors (hyperextensions): Back extensors strengthen the lower back muscles, which is important for maintaining an aerodynamic posture on the bike and avoiding back pain. You should make sure to keep your back straight.


  • Plank: The plank exercise strengthens the core muscles, which is important to ensure stability on the bike. Keep your body in a straight line from your head to your heels.


These exercises can be integrated into strength training for cycling. It is important to use the correct technique and adapt the weight and repetitions to your own fitness level. 
